Cosmetic acupuncture is a natural alternative to Botox. It rejuvenates the skin reducing the look of wrinkles, bags and hyperpigmentation while also resolving internal health issues. Chronic and stubborn skin conditions like eczema, acne, rosacea, and psoriasis may respond well to a course of Chinese Medicine treatments. We remain open during the COVID-19 Lockdown as we provide Essential Health Services
Chronic and stubborn skin conditions like eczema, acne and psoriasis may respond well to a course of Chinese Medicine treatments. Chinese Medicine views the skin as a reflection of what is happening inside the body, therefore if there is an imbalance of excess toxins in the body it will come out on the skin. When treating skin conditions we treat the root cause and internal imbalance first, herbal medicine, acupuncture and dietary therapy will be used in most cases. This may be complemented with herbal creams and lotions for topical application.
Facial rejuvenation acupuncture uses very fine, smooth and small needles on the face to help lift and loosen muscles and diminish the look of wrinkles. Apart from improving the look of aging skin, facial acupuncture can also assist in skin conditions like acne, rosacea, scarring, hyperpigmentation, freckles, stretch marks, broken capillaries, and dark eye circles.
The facial treatment is combined with a facial massage and body acupuncture to address any internal disharmonies so you get an external and internal treatment in one session!
The length of treatment varies with the condition of your skin, for people with only fine lines 3-5 treatments is sufficient. For those with deeper line and/or scarring a series of 15 weekly sessions is required to achieve optimal results, a maintenance regime will then follow with treatments spaced every 2-6 months.